Most Recent Event (Fall 2024)


  • Food: pizza on Friday, lunch and supper on Saturday, Snacks
  • Fun: Outdoor rec activity, bring weather appropriate clothes
  • Fun, part 2: Prizes and giveaways and more games
  • Learning: Challenging lessons from our speaker, a variety of breakout sessions (see below), a chance to debrief with your group
  • Worship



6:00  Registration

7:00  Welcome & Ice Breaker games/Rec

  • Worship & Speaker
  • Small Group Discussion
  • Pizza

10:00  Depart for home or billet


8:00  Early Morning Devo & Breakfast (Optional)

9:00 Welcome and Wake Up

  • Breakout Session 1  (9:15)
  • Breakout Session 2 (10:00)
  • Breakout Session 3 (10:45)

12:00  Lunch & Youth Leaders Session

1:30  Rec Activity – Bigger Better

4:00 Service Project,various activities / free time

6:00  Supper

7:00  Evening Program

  • Worship & Speaker
  • Small Group Discussion
  • Ice Cream Social, variety of games/activities

10:00  Depart for Home or Billets


8:30  Worship & Speaker, parents welcome to attend

11:00  Pick up / Departure


Breakout Sessions are topical and interactive small group sessions on subjects that are relevant to youth and support the weekend theme. Participants have the opportunity to attend 3 sessions on Saturday morning and can choose from several options.

Confirmed Sessions…

  1. Baptism – Rick Scruggs, Executive Director Lifeline Christian Mission Canada and lifelong Pastor
    • What is the meaning of baptism? Are you thinking about being baptized? Bring your questions and learn about Jesus’ example of baptism.
  2. Faith Conversations – Ben Joubert, Youth Pastor at Oak Park Church of Christ and Power to Change Ministry (1st Session Only)
    • How to have conversations about God,faith and spirituality with your friends (2nd and 3rd Sessions only)0
  3. Dating – Stu Swanson, Bow Valley Christian Church
    • How to navigate love and dating in your teen years. A realistic look at what dating is when you are young, and how to make it with your heart, mind and Spirit in tact. Through the rollercoaster of teen love. (3 sessions)
  4. Suffering – Alvin Ram, Associate Pastor at Oak Park Church of Christ
    • Suffering is something all of us will experience at some point or another. Whether it’s pain, disappointment, or death: suffering will be part of our lives. The question is, how do we walk through it. Together we will explore how to walk through suffering with hope. (3 sessions)
  5. Living with Eternal Perspective – Ricot Leon, Missionary
    • Being is more important than doing and saying – with resources from the book “When Helping Hurts” (3 sessions)
  6. Spiritual Formation – Luke del Aguila, Mt. Carmel Student
    • Luke will share about the value of a Bible based gap year and why he decided to attend Mt. Carmel. He will share how he drew close to God through the spiritual disciplines he learned. (3 sessions)

LOCATION (Fall 2024)

Calgary Church of Christ     4030 Maryvale Drive NE, Calgary, AB, T2A 2S8    403-272-2111